Published on
October 30, 2023

2 Corinthians 4

“Therefore we do not give up; even though our outer person is wearing away, our inner person is being renewed day by day.”

Author Photo
Steve Wiggins
Author Photo
Steve Wiggins
Read Time
4 minutes
2 Corinthians 4
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 9 (NKJV)

A while back, my wife and I led music for a couples’ retreat.  Before the event, a volunteer was setting up a merchandise table for my CD sales.  He picked up one of my solo projects and asked if I colored my hair for the cover photo.  So, I punched him…no, just kidding!

Every day, I indeed get a few more grey hairs.  A couple more wrinkles…  I’m no geezer, but I am starting to show signs of my age; signs I have been denying would come.  

Interestingly, the weekend couples’ retreat was one of our best ministry events ever.  The Lord has brought my wife and me through so many difficult seasons, and we have stories of hope to share with struggling couples.

In some music circles, I may be less marketable because the glory of my youth is fading, but in other venues, I have only become relevant.  Outwardly, I am wearing away, while inwardly, I am being renewed.  I never wanted to go through the hard times that inspired songs like “Faith That Is Real.”  But in those hard times, God taught me the most.  Now, I look back and consider those so-called “hard times” as light afflictions, especially in comparison to the ministry that has sprung from them.

Here is the point: I am learning to trust the Lord and count my present hardships as a blessing.  I am trying not to focus on what is seen.  I want to live for the unseen, Heaven.  Anyone trying to regain his youth is fighting a losing battle.  We could undergo all sorts of beauty treatments and surgeries, but eventually, we all wear away.

What is important is not how we manipulate the “outer man” to project the image of youth.  God is concerned with how we allow His Spirit to rejuvenate us from within…so that we may project HIS glory from the inside out.

If we are called to be “light,” we must expect to be thrust into “darkness.”  We must faithfully endure dark seasons so the glory of the Lord will shine forth in the midst of that darkness.  In this way, unbelievers can distinguish between our light and the counterfeit “light” of this world.

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Listen To The Groundworks Ministries Podcast with Steve Wiggins


​Elevating your Faith with daily Bible reading and devotionals written by Steve Wiggins.

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